Morgane Silhol
Morgane Silhol
Fixe : +33 1 42 25 65 13
Mobile : +33 6 07 81 16 67
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  • Arbitration / Litigation
  • European & national Competition law
  • Distribution law & commercial law
  • Consumer law
  • Telecoms & new technologies law
  • Transport law
  • Energy law
  • Pharmaceutical law
  • Counselling / Contract negotiation


Morgane Silhol holds a Master 2 in European Union Economic Law from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and a L.L.M in Intellectual Property from Queen Mary University.

She works in competition law and distribution law, both in counselling and in litigation. She is representing international companies active in the food industry, the railway industry, telecommunications or in the field of large household appliances.

Morgane assists the firm’s clients in proceedings before the Competition Authority and thus accompanies them during investigation procedures of the Competition Authority (request for information, hearings, etc.) or following the notification of statement of objections. On this occasion, Morgane Silhol helped business leaders to prepare for DGCCRF or Competition Authority hearings and notably carried out mock dawn raids.

Morgane Silhol also intervenes before civil and commercial courts in the context of commercial disputes (sudden termination of established commercial relationships, contractual disputes, etc.) or private enforcement actions.

Finally, Morgane has participated in numerous commercial negotiations (redesign of distribution networks, amicable dispute resolution procedure, commercial negotiations, etc.). On a daily basis, she also assists several large industrial groups in the development of their reference contractual documentation, as well as the negotiation of major customer contracts.