

Our expertise

Global warming, security of supply, scarce fossil energy sources and volatile energy prices present many challenges that require the energy market to be redesigned: development of renewable energy sources, guarantees of origin and capacity mechanisms, corporate power purchase agreements, contracts for difference, self-consumption, etc.

Energy issues are all the more sensitive to deal with as tackling them requires extremely high investment. Paradoxically for the sector, its time horizon is particularly long-term and its regulatory framework is marked by high instability. The multiple reforms launched in relation to renewable energy or current discussions on energy market design are the most recent examples.

However, many issues have yet to be determined: financing, development of new production capacity and network infrastructure, role of nuclear power, regulation after the Regulated Access to Incumbent Nuclear Electricity (ARENH) scheme,  renewal of concessions (for distribution or hydraulic power), structuring of renewable energy development and impact on networks (decentralised and intermittent generation) and markets (in particular, management of negative price trends), new consumer behaviour (electric cars and launch of self-consumption), roll-out of smart grids, etc.

Debate on the green pact is a further example of the many challenges confronting the sector: balancing industrial competitiveness with environmental impact, reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions while increasing investment, etc.

Magenta has been advising major operators for many years (in particular, suppliers, producers, traders and large consumers) and has developed leading expertise in energy law to help clients tackle these issues:

  • Drafting and assisting in negotiating gas purchase and electricity supply agreements, and operator partnership agreements (swaps, coproduction, etc.).
  • Drafting and assisting in negotiating corporate power purchase agreements for various key accounts, greenfield or brownfield assets, under single or multiple purchaser agreements for wind farm and photovoltaic assets.
  • Lobbying and assisting in drafting laws and regulations.
  • Providing legal assistance for the creation and construction of energy production facilities (using fossil or renewable energy sources).
  • Regulatory audit for acquisition operations of biomass projects, wind or solar farms.
  • Providing pre-litigation and litigation assistance before the French Dispute Settlement and Sanctions Committee (CoRDiS) at the French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), civil and administrative courts (network connection problems, contractual disputes, challenges to regulations, etc.).

Our work

Advising various manufacturers on negotiations of their gas and electricity supply agreements.
Advising and assisting various manufacturers in the scope of negotiations of corporate power purchase agreements.
Advising a distribution network operator on proceedings before the CoRDiS at the CRE.
Providing pre-litigation assistance to various key accounts on contractual performance issues relating to gas or electricity supply agreements.
Providing pre-litigation assistance in the scope of disputes relating to electric supply quality.
Advising a transmission system operator on various commercial disputes with operators, suppliers and customers.
Regulatory audit for the acquisition of electricity production facilities using renewable resources.
Providing regulatory assistance relating to rules applicable to electricity distribution, in particular indirect connection or energy supply rules.

Our rankings

Magenta combines its expertise in the field of competition and antitrust with an in-depth knowledge of regulatory issues to advise an impressive list of clients in the heavily regulated industry sectors such as energy, transport and telecoms. Counsel Gaël Hichri supports joint practice heads Sylvain Justier and Vincent Jaunet, who recently acted for CCFA – the professional association covering all French car manufacturers – in a review of its practices to ensure regulatory compliance. Associates Lolita Berthol-Balladur and Morgane Silhol are part of the team currently representing Candy Hoover with regard to the FCA’s investigation into alleged vertical and horizontal malpractices in the white and brown goods sector. Also notable is Justier’s work for Deutsche Bahn pertaining to two proceedings: a public enforcement claim filed by the FCA relating to alleged abuse of dominant position in the freight railway market, and a private enforcement action brought against SNCF after it was found guilty by the FCA of having impeded the growth of the French market. Other key clients include Outremer Telecom, SFR and Adista.

Legal 500 2019
EU, competition and distribution

Magenta dispose d’une offre aboutie en droit public des affaires, en conseil et en contentieux, devant les juridictions nationales et européennes, ainsi que les autorités de régulation. L’équipe est animée entre autres par Fanny Mahler, spécialiste des questions liées à la commande publique, aux entreprises du secteur public, au droit de l’environnement et de l’urbanisme. Magenta est aussi expert en matière de réglementation relative aux investissements étrangers et aux aides d’Etat.

Le cabinet assiste les acteurs du secteur public et les sociétés du secteur privé (opérateurs de l’énergie, des communications électroniques et du transport. L’équipe intervient en métropole, Polynésie française et Nouvelle-Calédonie. Magenta se distingue en droit de la concurrence et des secteurs régulés.

Décideurs 2019

Magenta dispose d’une offre solide en droit public des affaires, en conseil comme en contentieux, devant les juridictions nationales et européennes. L’équipe est animée notamment par Fanny Mahler, spécialiste des questions liées à la commande publique, aux entreprises du secteur public, au droit de l’environnement et de l’urbanisme. Le cabinet est aussi expert en matière de réglementation relative aux investissements étrangers et aux aides d’Etat.

Le cabinet assiste les acteurs du secteur public comme les entreprises du secteur privé, en particulier des opérateurs actifs dans l’énergie, les communications électroniques, le ferroviaire. L’équipe intervient en métropole et dans les territoires ultramarins, notamment en Polynésie française et en Nouvelle-Calédonie dont elle maîtrise l’environnement réglementaire spécifique. Magenta se distingue également en droit de la concurrence des secteurs régulés.

Décideurs 2018

Forte notoriété en Energie, Environnement & Ressources Naturelles – Energie secteurs régulés (conseils & contentieux)

Décideurs 2018
Energie secteurs régulés